The smallest dog breed in the world, the Chihuahua was discovered in Mexico in 1850, and subsequently introduced to America. The popularization of the Chihuahua as a pet was a result of media coverage given to celebrities who adopt Chihuahuas as pets such as Marilyn Monroe and Paris Hilton. There are two official Chihuahua breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club today. These are the Long-haired Chihuahua and the Short-haired Chihuahua. Unofficially, other different breeds of Chihuahuas exist. These include the Teacup Chihuahua, Mini Chihuahua and Toy Chihuahua amongst others. The origins of these unofficial names were a result of Chihuahua breeders who dub their dogs accordingly based on their full grown size.ChihuahuaViansBigMacAttackMac2

The Long-haired Chihuahua is characterized by their smooth undercoat and long overcoat. The texture of its coat is long, thin and smooth to touch. The Long-haired Chihuahua has large eyes and erect ears, similar to that of a Pomeranian. In fact, it is not difficult for most people to mistaken a Long-haired Chihuahua for a Pomeranian given such similar characteristics. Surprisingly, this Chihuahua breed sheds little hair as compared to its Short-haired cousin. As a result, it is relatively popular with people who suffer from allergies. However, its long overcoat of hair can take a relatively long time to reach its full grown length, in most cases as long as a few years. It is important for owners of this breed of Chihuahua to frequently brush the hair of their Long-haired Chihuahua to prevent tangles that may occur to the hair of the Long-haired Chihuahua. It is also important for owners of the Long-haired Chihuahua to bath their pets on a regular monthly basis to prevent fleas and to maintain hygiene standards of their Long-haired Chihuahua.

Comparatively, the Short-haired Chihuahua as its name suggests has a shorter coat of hair as compared to its Long-haired cousin. However, it tends to shed more hair as compared to the Long-haired Chihuahua. Texture of the overcoat of this breed of Chihuahua is also different as compared to the Long-haired Chihuahua. Given its shorter coat of hair, the Short-haired Chihuahua is popular amongst people living in relatively warm countries.

Unofficial breeds of Chihuahuas such as the Teacup Chihuahua, Mini Chihuahua and Toy Chihuahua. These breeds of Chihuahuas are comparatively smaller as compared to regular Chihuahuas. Amongst these unofficial breeds, the Teacup Chihuahua is the most popular as a result of extensive media coverage of Paris Hilton’s Teacup Chihuahua, Tinkerbell Hilton. Spotted everywhere with Paris Hilton, Tinkerbell’s small size allows it to fit snugly into the socialite’s handbag. The small sized of these dogs make them popular with apartment dwellers as they do not require big open spaces as compared to other dogs. They are also relatively easy to train, sparing the owner the need to send them to dog schools for training. However, their small size results in greater fragility. These adorable dogs are extremely prone to health problems such as dehydration and respiratory problems. Their small size also means that they are unable to provide sufficient warmth for themselves, especially in colder countries.

In any case, Chihuahuas are relatively fragile pets and special attention must be accorded to taking care of them. Chihuahua adoption is also a long-term commitment as the average lifespan of these dogs is between 11 – 18 years. Given such, its is important for potential owners to consider carefully their ability to commit to their pets before adopting one.

When you go into a shelter, I’m sure you’ve noticed that they are usually full of dogs. The actual statistics on how many dogs die each year in the shelters vary, but I think I’d be safe to say that at least 60% that go in, don’t come out. I thought that I would explain why this issue is so important and what we can all do to help save the dogs in our country from becoming another shelter statistic.ChihuahuaChiChiBelle2FrenchFries

Puppy Mills and Backyard Breeders are one of the main causes of dog overpopulation. They breed dogs as a commodity, not caring about the health and welfare of their breeding stock, or the puppies they produce. These dogs usually are sold in Pet Stores as pure breed or designer breed dogs. They are sold at a premium price and oftentimes are sick and their temperaments are suspect and usually end up in shelters and rescues with serious illness or behavior problems.

People who allow their dogs to remain unaltered are also a main cause of dog overpopulation. The resulting puppies are almost always mixed bred who are sold in newspapers and grocery store parking lots. The people who sell their puppies this way have no way of knowing where these puppies are going and most will end up in the shelters due to a variety of reasons.

People who don’t think through the process of getting a puppy or adult dog also contribute to the dog overpopulation problem. These are the ones who end up getting rid of their dog several months or sometimes years later, because; the dog got too big, the dog needs too much attention, the dog needs too much exercise, or the dog doesn’t get along with the new baby.

The solution to this problem is simple.

1. Don’t buy puppies from puppy mills, backyard breeders, Pet Stores or grocery parking lots. Cutting off those that supply sick puppies or dogs breed purely for money will force them to get into a different business as soon as the money runs dry. When purchasing a puppy, either adopt them from a shelter, rescue or a reputable breeder. How do you know they are reputable? They allow you to come to their kennel and meet BOTH parents. They care about the breed and they care about YOU. They should ask you a variety of questions to ensure their puppies are going to a good home. You should feel as though you are going through a serious inquiry. This means they care.
2. Always have your dogs altered at six months of age. They will be healthier, less hormonal and thus, easier to handle, and they will not have puppies and contribute to the problem.
3. Consider adopting an older dog from the shelter. People tell me all the time that they want a puppy so it will bond with them and so they can ensure they grow up well socialized with good manners. These assumptions are INCORRECT. An older dog may have some “bad habits”, but most can be alleviated with a good dog behaviorist and a couple of months;  while a puppy will take over a YEAR to raise. All dogs require time and effort….why not give that time to a dog that will otherwise be put down?
4. And last, but not least, THINK before you get a dog. Consider all the things that go with owning a dog and make sure you are prepared for it.  Do you have the money, the space, the time to devote to another living thing in your house? And make sure you choose the RIGHT dog for you. This will eliminate the dog from being brought to a shelter or rescue when it’s discovered that dogs need all of the above to be happy.

Owning a dog is one of the most wonderful things in the world. EVERYONE should know the love of a dog. Please make sure you are informed when you decide you are ready to add more love to your family and help us who advocate for the dogs to keep them out of shelters and rescue and keep them in the home; where they belong.

A Great Dane is a huge dog that makes a great family dog and can hold its own against the kids. A Havanese rescue dog, if you look at the available Havanese information, is not a huge dog and would probably have to run from the kids. The Havanese don’t get very big at all as they usually only measure 29 centimeters in length when full grown and 6 kilograms in weight. Hardly a huge obstacle to the kids and really not the kind of dog to get if a big dog is what you want.ChihuahuaViansBigMacAttackMac8

But for all they lack in size the Havanese make up for in intelligence. They are one of the smarter breeds of dogs but they are also one of the more hyperactive as well. It takes a very patient person to train a Havanese but when you are done you have a Havanese that listens to your commands and offers you a lot of love.

For everything a Havanese rescue dog seems to lack in size they make up for in their ability to warn you if intruders are entering the house or if there is some emergency. They are alert dogs and they can make quite a noise when they feel that something is wrong or that a warning needs to get out. They are also playful little dogs that love to show off their wit and intelligence. Just try and match wits with a Havanese.

The Havanese rescue dogs are also referred to as apartment dogs because they really do not require a lot of exercise at all and their compact size means that they do not take up a lot of space in general. They are very loyal dogs and wonderful to have around children as they are very gentle and love to play. Their small space requirements make them a popular pet for city dwellers.

Havanese rescue dogs do require a great deal of attention and patience especially when you are trying to train them to follow your rules. But that is the wonderful thing about Havanese dogs, they respond very well to the proper kind of training and they can learn to follow many types of rules that other dog breeds cannot. But they are still energetic little guys that can drive you crazy if you let them so patience, as was mentioned before, is a virtue.

Your Havanese rescue dog is going to require daily grooming not only to keep their coat healthy but to keep them healthy as well. A tangled coat on a Havanese can lead to health issues so make sure you keep their coat clean and free of tangles. With a Havanese rescue dog you absolutely get out what you put in so if you take the time to train them right, show them the love they require and the attention they crave, and keep them clean and healthy they will repay you for years to come.

Breeding Chihuahuas

October 10, 2009

Breeding Chihuahuas are not easy and it takes a lot of patients and determination when it comes to breeding successfully. This article will discuss some of the things you need to learn about before you decide to bring one into your home.ChihuahuaGingerPiesFirstLitter4Boys3

Potty training. Do it when they are young and able to make it into a routine. Chihuahuas are fiercely loyal to their owners and they do not like it when you are unhappy. Use this to your advantage when you are house breaking them and show your unhappiness as visually as you can when they do their business in strange places in the house. Once they relate the fact that you do not like it when they do this, they will understand and start to use proper places to do their business. Treat them when they get something right as Chihuahuas are quite loyal in this way. Once you show some affection, they will listen to you. This is important in breeding a high quality and housebroken dog.

These dogs are also very small dogs, so breeding them can be quite different from doing it with large dogs. When you do breed a dog, make sure you do it because you love or have a liking for the breed. This means learning all you can about Chihuahuas and how to properly take care of them. Doing it because you just want a dog is a mistake that a lot of people make when they breed Chihuahuas. Firstly, when you do breed them and have a pregnant mommy, you need to understand a few things. These dogs have pretty big heads in relation to their body size, so the labor and pregnancy of the mother dog can be quite hard.

This means that for a lot of breeders, they often have to bring their mother Chihuahuas for C-sections. And let me tell you, in the area of veterinary procedures such as this, you need a lot of spare cash when it comes to employing one of these procedures for your Chihuahua. An important thing about dogs you must know in general is that they must be awake almost immediately after the pregnancy, because if they do not recognise the dogs, they will most likely kill or even eat them. Chihuahuas also lose a lot of calcium when they go through their terms of pregnancy and labor, so you need to watch out for things like calcium defiance in the dogs.

Symptoms can include and are not limited to vomiting, eye movements which are unpredictable and muscle twitching. Because Chihuahuas are also genetically prone to epilepsy and seizures, calcium deficiency also adds to that. Constant trips to the vet is very important because vitamins and calcium injections might take place. Oral fixes like milk or vitamin tablets do not work in Chihuahua because of their metabolic rate and how their blood carries such minerals and nutrients.

These are some of the aspects that you should know about when breeding Chihuahuas. Of course there is a lot more to it than this, so talk to a vet before you decide to make that decision.

The Teacup Chihuahua Breed

October 8, 2009

There is actually no official breed called Teacup Chihuahua or Tea-Cup. The name is some breeders came up with for the chihuahuas that are genetically bred to be smaller. This was probable to make the stand out and create more of a personal identity for these small creatures so they would become more valued. As to chihuahuas there are officially only two kinds, Long Coat and Short Coat.ChihuahuaNolieOlieOlieo5YearsOld1

The name teacup chihuahua has become so popular lately though that many are considering this to be a breed of their own. One help in their fame has of course been the celebrity Paris Hilton and her Tinker Bell dog.

These dogs are really small in size and some even discourage breeders from breeding these kinds of chihuahuas, at least the really small ones because they can easily become genetically disfunctional and create medical problems both for themselves and their owners.

The american kennel club in their standards describe as chihuahua as a compact, alert and graceful swift-moving dog that has terrier-like qualities of temperament. So beware that even though teacup chihuahuas can be small in size, their temper can something else.

Most people that buy these dogs though tend to buy them because they are easy to handle. Anytime you buy a dog it is a dog thing to dig into some study of the breed before making a purchase, that will make easier both for you and the dog in the years to come. People who buy dogs only with their eyes often tend to end up surprised or dissapointed when their pet turned out to have different characteristics than what they had expected.

A couple of words of advice if you decide to get yourself a teacup chihuahua is to invest in a coat for your dog. Many times because of their small size and lack of protecting layers of body fat they are vulnerable to cold. Another good thing is to invest in a harness rather than in a collar. This because your friend again can be somewhat fragile around the neck and is often more comfortable being out walking together with you in a good teacup chihuahua harness.

Many people appreciate their chihuahua because it is so loyal and loving. A good thing is to get them used to being with a mix of people early as they might show signs of jealousy later in life. They have also a tendency to be suspicious of people they are not familiar with. But I guess that is many times a human trait as well.

Congratulations! Now that you have successfully bred your Chihuahua, it is time to wait for the birth of the new Chihuahua pups. As you wait with glee at the birth of the new Chihuahua babies, as the owner, you got to learn how to deal with a Chihuahua pregnancy first. You definitely only want the best for your mama Chihuahua don’t you?21802671_1

Chihuahua pregnancy can be very difficult. As such, it is only recommended for those experienced breeders. You might be interested to breed our Chihuahua because you love your Chihuahua and you want another one. But now that your Chihuahua is pregnant, it is important that you give her 100% attention and care to make sure that she gives birth to healthy pups.

Chihuahuas usually have many complications when it comes to delivery. Some might even die during whelping. Other complications would include pups that are born premature.

So, you got to be prepared to care for the pups if your Chihuahua dies during whelping.

Now that you found out that your Chihuahua is pregnant, it is time to make some adjustments.

Firstly, you will have to change your Chihuahua’s diet. If you wish your pet to give birth to top quality babies, good food is definitely a must. Check out some of the foods that are suitable for pregnant dogs. Do take note that if your Chihuahua gets ill, it will affect your pups too. Your Chihuahua will also tend to eat more, so try not to deny her of any food.

Secondly, you will need to visit the vet more frequently. Well, this will definitely cost you money. But you would not want to endanger the life of your Chihuahua and her puppies would you? This is to make sure that the babies are growing healthily inside the mama. Once the puppies are born, you will need to do the same too. This is to ensure that your pups are always fit and healthy. If otherwise happens, your vet will be able to guide you. Checkups can be pretty costly, but it is definitely worth the money!

Thirdly, if you are not an experienced breeder, than it is a good idea to have your vet present while your Chihuahua is giving birth. All sorts of complications can happen and your Chihuahua or her pups can die if things do not go as planned. Having a vet on call is definitely a good thing to ensure a smooth running delivery.

As the Chihuahua owner, it is your responsibility to take care of the mother and her unborn puppies. Provide her with a healthy diet and always remember to send her for regular check ups to keep her healthy and happy.

Keep in mind to provide a clean and quiet place for your Chihuahua to give birth. Try to keep the father of the puppies away from the mother or puppies after birth.

During the 9 weeks long of pregnancy period, remind everyone to be gentle with her. She should be allowed to rest at all times. She will spend more time wanting to be in a quiet room.
So, try to keep her under your nose at all times and give her your 100% attention, for that is all she needs now.

Just because a vet has a dog for a patient doesn’t necessarily mean they know everything about Chihuahua care. Before you get a Chihuahua, make sure your vet knows about Chihuahua care. How do you choose a vet for your Chihuahua? Hopefully, you will have a choice of vets in your area, but any vet is better than none! Pick one that is close to you, but also professes to know about Chihuahua care, including care of Chihuahua allergies.224503

Because of the Chihuahua’s extremely cute little button nose, they don’t have the air passages that most dogs with longer noses have. They are, therefore, far more prone to breathing disorders and to making extremely strange noises not common in most other breeds of dog. Any allergen like dust, pollen, cigarette smoke or even perfume can act as triggers to Chihuahua allergies and cause these alarming, but usually not life-threatening, breathing problems.

One place Chihuahuas get extremely agitated at is the vet’s office. If your vet has never treated small blunt-nosed dogs like Chihuahuas before, the vet might misdiagnose a problem. How to choose a vet for your Chihuahua? First, ask if they often treat Chihuahuas. Vets are so busy that it does not pay for them to lie in order to get more business they can’t attend to properly. If they are not familiar with Chihuahuas, they will refer you to a vet that is.

Be sure you know who your vet is and how to get to the office before you bring home your Chihuahua. In many places in the world, emergency vets operate 24 hours a day, but are more expensive than a regular vet or a vet clinic in a large pet store. It is good to know where both your regular vet and your emergency vet are before any emergency arises. Keep their phone numbers by the phone or displayed in a prominent place so you don’t have to waste time hunting through the phone book in case of emergency.

There is no known treatment for Chihuahua allergies that trigger asthma like wheezing, whoops, snuffling or honking. Even elimination of the allergen is not a guarantee that theses alarming episodes will stop completely. These bizarre noises are apparently the muscles of the pharynx going into spasms. They tend to ease off when the dog is calm and escalate when the dog is upset.

Smokers better not own a Chihuahua, because cigarette smoke often triggers attacks. Be careful with strong perfumes, incense, potpourris or scented candles. When a Chihuahua goes into an attack, it will look a lot worse than it is. This condition is not life threatening. Calm your Chihuahua by petting, distracting with a toy, not getting upset yourself, and don’t yell. It is always good to check with a Chihuahua knowledgeable vet to be sure there isn’t any other obstruction in the nose or throat when you first spot these attacks, or if they worsen.

A Chihuahua is a proud little dog that takes itself very seriously even when those around it do not take it seriously. It can also be a stubborn little dog and these reasons combine to make housebreaking a Chihuahua very difficult. Chihuahuas are also not very fond of the outside when it is windy, raining, or cold so they will refuse to do anything outside if the weather is ugly. This can make a Chihuahua owner’s life a problem and that is why many Chihuahua owners turn to Chihuahua litter box training.35943208

Not all housebreaking problems are behavioral, some are physical and before you get your Chihuahua started on a behavior that you might regret later you may want to check and see if there is a physical reason why they are relieving themselves in the house. Sometimes a physical condition can make holding it impossible and they just relieve wherever they stand. Make sure you rule out any physical problems with a vet visit first.

A Chihuahua can be a very stubborn and frustrating animal and before you go to Chihuahua litter box training you may want to make sure you have tried all the proper housebreaking techniques first. Take your dog outside after every feeding and after every time you notice it drinks water. Never feed your dog or allow it to have water before you crate it for the night, as it won’t be able to hold everything in until morning. If your dog does its thing outside in the appropriate area then reward it and praise it profusely.

If you are convinced you have tried everything and it is time to use the litter box then place a litter box in the area the dog soils the most. Make sure it is nowhere near their food and water as a Chihuahua will not soil near its food and water. Take it to the litter box frequently during the day and praise it when it uses the litter box for what it was intended.

Be warned that once a Chihuahua realizes it can go to the bathroom in the litter box in the house you are probably stuck with a dog that will be doing its business inside and Chihuahua litter box training would then replace housebreaking. The Chihuahua will always take the easy way out and if it can relieve itself in the warmth and comfort of the home without getting in trouble then that is what it will do.

Avoid using litter for the litter box and instead fill it with shredded newspapers or other organic filler like that. Chihuahuas will sometimes eat litter if it is in a litter box and kitty litter will burn through their stomach and kill them. So use paper and be prepared to clean it several times a week. That is the joy of Chihuahua litter box training. You now have a completely indoor dog that may make you think you should have just gotten a cat in the first place.

It is a cold and cruel person that would abandon or abuse a little Chihuahua dog and if you know of a situation where a little Chihuahua dog is being abused or has been abandoned then you can do the right thing and contact a Chihuahua rescue group right away. There are resources all around that can help you find a rescue group and it is the right thing to do rather than let the little dog suffer.chihuahua-costume-02a

One of the best resources for any humane group contact information is your vet. Your vet is very concerned about the health and well being of all animals and does not want to see a little dog suffer any more than you do, so they would gladly give you any contact information they may have. If you do not use a vet then just contact one from the phone book and they would be able to help.

For some reason people always forget that the local newspaper is a collection area for a lot of important community contact information and they may just have Chihuahua rescue group contact information for you. Many local newspapers publish the animal rescue groups contact information on a regular basis or at least have it available to distribute should someone call looking for help. So it never hurts to call your local newspaper and see what they have in the way of contact information for local animal rescue groups.

Never forget about the Internet, as it is a great way for people all over the world to get the information they need. With an Internet search you may find contact information for local animal rescue groups or you may find the websites of national animal rescue groups. Check the national groups to see if they list any satellite offices near you and if they do not then give them a call and see what advice or assistance they can offer you.

Check your area for any reputable Chihuahua breeders and chances are that they can act as a Chihuahua rescue group for you. Many reputable breeders have no problem taking in abused or abandoned pets, as the breeder does not want to see an animal suffer any more than you do. So contact a breeder and explain your situation to them and ask them if they would be able to take in this poor neglected little animal and give it a second chance at life.

Never turn your back on an abandoned or abused Chihuahua or any other animal that is suffering. In many cases all you have to do is make a phone call and an animal rescue group will come out and take care of the rest. Every animal deserves the chance to be happy and no pet deserves the horror of being abused or abandoned so if you see a situation that requires immediate attention then track down contact information for a local animal rescue group and give a little pet a second chance.